Toll Free Survivor Line


Insurance Resources


Liver tumors, as with many conditions that are chronic or life-threatening, require ongoing and often individualized care. Navigating the health care system and receiving the treatments that you need is not always an easy process. It is not unusual for treatment to be denied. Even for Americans that have health insurance, barriers in insurance policies can make it challenging to receive necessary treatment. We designed our help center to assist individuals with liver tumors so that they may gain access to the care that is needed. We urge you to become your own best advocate.


Continuation of health coverage  - COBRA


Coverage for all  - US Uninsured HelpLine Call 800.234.1317


Families USA Resources for Consumers offers videos, podcasts, and articles offering a wide range of health tips from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality health coverage options


Kaiser Family Foundation Consumer Guide consumer guide to handling disputes with your employer or private health plans


State Health Insurance Commissioners listing of state insurance departments




Toll Free Survivor Line



Survivor Hotline: 1-877-937-7478 (US only);

The information presented in this Website is not intended as a substitute for medical care. Please talk with your healthcare provider about any information you get from this Website.

Thank you to  Bristol-Meyers Squibb,Eisai, Genentech,

Exelexis, Taiho and Wako,

 for your support in 2023